Effective school leaders have courage and use it.  Where does courage come from?  It grows from the other two elements we have discussed on our website:

Passion + Vision = Confidence to act and do what is right as the leader

Leaders who understand why schools must change and have a clear vision of what needs to happen every day, in every classroom, find a level of confidence to act, regardless of danger, difficulty, or pain that may come their way. 
So What’s the Problem?

In the absence of a passion for change and a clear vision to follow, stakeholders will engage in a variety of dysfunctional behaviors in order to maintain existing conditions:
Withdraw of support
Lack of cooperation
Spread of rumors
Demonization of leadership
Sabotage of progress

These behaviors can put an undue amount of pressure on leaders to retreat.

The Measure of One’s Leadership

Courage becomes the barometer of one’s leadership, because without it, the best intentions become nothing more than dreams. The future of our country will depend upon the courage of school leaders to do what is right in the face of critics, saboteurs, and skeptics.

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